
prof. dr Predrag Ivaniš

Redovni profesor
Katedra za telekomunikacije

Paviljon Računskog centra, kancelarija P2-2

Stručni naziv doktor elektrotehničkih nauka
Naučna oblast Telekomunikacije
Datum izbora 14. oktobar 2018.


Predmeti iz nastavnog plana i programa 2013


Radovi u časopisima sa SCI liste

Capacity Analysis of Hybrid Satellite–Terrestrial Systems with Selection Relaying

P. Ivaniš, J. Milojković, V. Blagojević, S. Brkić, Capacity Analysis of Hybrid Satellite–Terrestrial Systems with Selection Relaying, ENTROPY, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 419 - 419, May, 2024

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Jovan Milojković, Vesna Blagojević i Srđan Brkić
Godina 2024
DOI 10.3390/e26050419
Impakt faktor 2.7 (M22)
Volumen 26
Broj 5
Strana od 419
Strana do 419

Optimized DM-RS Configuration for Improved 5G New Radio Network Capacity and Performance

I. Tomić, D. Drajić, P. Ivaniš, U. Savković, D. Tešić, A. Loric, Optimized DM-RS Configuration for Improved 5G New Radio Network Capacity and Performance, Electronics , Vol. 13, No. 11, 2028, pp. 1 - 16, May, 2024

Autori Igor Tomić, Dejan Drajić, Predrag Ivaniš, Urioš Savković, Djordje Tešić i Aleksandar Lorić
Godina 2024
DOI 10.3390/electronics13112028
Časopis Electronics
Impakt faktor 2.9 (M22)
Volumen 13
Broj 11, 2028
Strana od 1
Strana do 16

Neural network SNR prediction for improved spectral efficiency in land mobile satellite networks

I. Vajs, S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, D. Drajić, Neural network SNR prediction for improved spectral efficiency in land mobile satellite networks, Electronics , Vol. 13, No. 18, 3659, pp. 1 - 24, Sep, 2024

Autori Ivan Vajs, Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Dejan Drajić
Godina 2024
DOI 10.3390/electronics13183659
Časopis Electronics
Impakt faktor 2.9 (M22)
Volumen 13
Broj 18, 3659
Strana od 1
Strana do 24

Performance Analysis of Wirelessly Powered Cognitive Radio Network with Statistical CSI and Random Mobility

N. Kozić, V. Blagojević, A. Cvetković, P. Ivaniš, Performance Analysis of Wirelessly Powered Cognitive Radio Network with Statistical CSI and Random Mobility, SENSORS, Vol. 23, No. 9, May, 2023

Autori Nadica Kozić, Vesna Blagojević, Aleksandra Cvetković i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2023
DOI 10.3390/s23094518
Impakt faktor 3.9 (M21)
Volumen 23
Broj 9
Strana od 4518

Predictive Capacity Planning for Mobile Networks—ML Supported Prediction of Network Performance and User Experience Evolution

I. Tomić, E. Bleakley, P. Ivaniš, Predictive Capacity Planning for Mobile Networks—ML Supported Prediction of Network Performance and User Experience Evolution, Electronics , Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 626 - 626, Feb, 2022

Autori Igor Tomić, Eion Bleakley i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2022
DOI 10.3390/electronics11040626
Časopis Electronics
Impakt faktor 2.9 (M22)
Volumen 11
Broj 4
Strana od 626
Strana do 626

Adaptive Gradient Descent Bit-Flipping Diversity Decoding

S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, B. Vasić, Adaptive Gradient Descent Bit-Flipping Diversity Decoding, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, Vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 2257 - 2261, Oct, 2022

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2022
DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3195026
Impakt faktor 4.1 (M22)
Volumen 26
Broj 10
Strana od 2257
Strana do 2261

Suspicion Distillation Gradient Descent Bit-Flipping Algorithm

P. Ivaniš, S. Brkić, B. Vasić, Suspicion Distillation Gradient Descent Bit-Flipping Algorithm, ENTROPY, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 558 - 558, Apr, 2022

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Srđan Brkić i Bane Vasić
Godina 2022
DOI 10.3390/e24040558
Impakt faktor 2.738 (M22)
Volumen 24
Broj 4
Strana od 558
Strana do 558

Faster than Nyquist signaling with limited computational resources

S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, A. Radošević, Faster than Nyquist signaling with limited computational resources, Physical Communication, Vol. 47, pp. 1 - 12, Aug, 2021

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Andreja Radošević
Godina 2021
DOI 10.1016/j.phycom.2021.101403
Časopis Physical Communication
Impakt faktor 2.379 (M22)
Volumen 47
Strana od 1
Strana do 12

Performance Analysis of Underlay Cognitive Radio System with Self-Sustainable Relay and Statistical CSI

N. Kozić, V. Blagojević, P. Ivaniš, Performance Analysis of Underlay Cognitive Radio System with Self-Sustainable Relay and Statistical CSI, SENSORS, Vol. 21, No. 11, pp. 3727 - 3747, May, 2021

Autori Nadica Kozić, Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2021
Impakt faktor 3.847 (M21)
Volumen 21
Broj 11
Strana od 3727
Strana do 3747

Performance analysis of energy harvesting DF relay system in generalized-K fading environment

V. Blagojević, A. Cvetković, P. Ivaniš, Performance analysis of energy harvesting DF relay system in generalized-K fading environment, Physical Communication, Vol. 28, pp. 190 - 200, Jun, 2018

Autori Vesna Blagojević, Aleksandra Cvetković i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2018
DOI 10.1016/j.phycom.2018.04.006
Časopis Physical Communication
Impakt faktor 1.583 (M22)
Volumen 28
Strana od 190
Strana do 200

Majority Logic Decoding Under Data-Dependent Logic Gate Failures

S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, B. Vasić, Majority Logic Decoding Under Data-Dependent Logic Gate Failures, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, Vol. 63, No. 10, pp. 6295 - 6306, Oct, 2017

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2017
DOI 10.1109/TIT.2017.2741466
Impakt faktor 2.679 (M21a)
Volumen 63
Broj 10
Strana od 6295
Strana do 6306

Vehicle Collision Reconstruction With 3-D Inertial Navigation and GNSS

S. Tadić, R. Stančić, L. Saranovac, P. Ivaniš, Vehicle Collision Reconstruction With 3-D Inertial Navigation and GNSS, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 14 - 23, Jan, 2017

Autori Srđan Tadić, Rade Stančić, Lazar Saranovac i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2017
DOI 10.1109/TIM.2016.2619018
Impakt faktor 2.794 (M21)
Volumen 66
Broj 1
Strana od 14
Strana do 23

Performance Analysis of Nonlinear Energy-Harvesting DF Relay System in Interference-Limited Nakagami-m Fading Environment

A. Cvetković, V. Blagojević, P. Ivaniš, Performance Analysis of Nonlinear Energy-Harvesting DF Relay System in Interference-Limited Nakagami-m Fading Environment, ETRI JOURNAL, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 803 - 812, Dec, 2017

Autori Aleksandra Cvetković, Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2017
DOI 10.4218/etrij.2017-0096
Impakt faktor 1.116 (M23)
Volumen 39
Broj 6
Strana od 803
Strana do 812

Error Errore Eicitur: A Stochastic Resonance Paradigm for Reliable Storage of Information on Unreliable Media

P. Ivaniš, B. Vasić, Error Errore Eicitur: A Stochastic Resonance Paradigm for Reliable Storage of Information on Unreliable Media, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 64, No. 9, pp. 3596 - 3608, Sep, 2016

Autori Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2016
DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2590547
Impakt faktor 4.058 (M21)
Volumen 64
Broj 9
Strana od 3596
Strana do 3608

Performance of Spectrum Sharing System in Gamma Shadowed Nakagami-m Fading Environment

P. Ivaniš, V. Blagojević, J. Anastasov, G. Đorđević, Performance of Spectrum Sharing System in Gamma Shadowed Nakagami-m Fading Environment, WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 86, No. 3, pp. 1717 - 1729, Feb, 2016

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Vesna Blagojević, Jelena Anastasov i Goran Đorđević
Godina 2016
DOI 10.1007/s11277-015-3015-9
Impakt faktor 0.951 (M23)
Volumen 86
Broj 3
Strana od 1717
Strana do 1729

Outage Probability and Ergodic Capacity of Spectrum-Sharing Systems with MRC Diversity

J. Jarrouj, V. Blagojević, P. Ivaniš, Outage Probability and Ergodic Capacity of Spectrum-Sharing Systems with MRC Diversity, FREQUENZ, Vol. 70, No. 3-4, pp. 157 - 171, Mar, 2016

Autori Jiana Jarrouj, Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2016
DOI 10.1515/freq-2015-0160
Impakt faktor 0.462 (M23)
Volumen 70
Broj 3-4
Strana od 157
Strana do 171

On the effects of correlation on outage performance of FSO unbalanced multibranch SC receiver

G. Djordjevic, M. Petkovic, J. Anastasov, P. Ivaniš, Z. Marjanovic, On the effects of correlation on outage performance of FSO unbalanced multibranch SC receiver, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, Vol. 28, No. 12, pp. 1348 - 1351, Jun, 2016

Autori Goran Đorđević, Milica Petković, Jelena Anastasov, Predrag Ivaniš i Zoran Marjanović
Godina 2016
DOI 10.1109/LPT.2016.2543002
Impakt faktor 2.375 (M21)
Volumen 28
Broj 12
Strana od 1348
Strana do 1351

Cross-Layer Combining of Adaptive Modulation and Truncated ARQ in Multichannel Beamforming MIMO Systems

P. Ivanis, D. Drajic, S. Brkic, Cross-Layer Combining of Adaptive Modulation and Truncated ARQ in Multichannel Beamforming MIMO Systems, RADIOENGINEERING, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 1050 - 1059, Dec, 2015

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Dejan Drajić i Srđan Brkić
Godina 2015
DOI 10.13164/re.2015.1050
Impakt faktor 0.796 (M23)
Volumen 24
Broj 4
Strana od 1050
Strana do 1059

On Fault-Tolerance of the Gallager B Decoder under Data-Dependent Gate Failures

S. Brkic, O. Al Rasheed, P. Ivanis, B. Vasic, On Fault-Tolerance of the Gallager B Decoder under Data-Dependent Gate Failures, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 1299 - 1302, Aug, 2015

Autori Srđan Brkić, Omran Al Rasheed, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2015
DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2015.2442981
Impakt faktor 1.463 (M22)
Volumen 19
Broj 8
Strana od 1299
Strana do 1302

Reliability of Memories Built from Unreliable Components under Data-Dependent Gate Failures

S. Brkic, P. Ivanis, B. Vasic, Reliability of Memories Built from Unreliable Components under Data-Dependent Gate Failures, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, Vol. 19, No. 12, pp. 2098 - 2101, Dec, 2015

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2015
DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2015.2496266
Impakt faktor 1.463 (M22)
Volumen 19
Broj 12
Strana od 2098
Strana do 2101

Fault-Tolerant Probabilistic Gradient-Descent Bit Flipping Decoder

O. Al Rasheed, P. Ivanis, B. Vasic, Fault-Tolerant Probabilistic Gradient-Descent Bit Flipping Decoder, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 1487 - 1490, Sep, 2014

Autori Omran Al Rasheed, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2014
DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2014.2344031
Impakt faktor 1.463 (M22)
Volumen 18
Broj 9
Strana od 1487
Strana do 1490

Outage Probability of SINR for Underlay Cognitive Radio Systems in Nakagami Fading

J. Jarrouj, V. Blagojevic, P. Ivanis, Outage Probability of SINR for Underlay Cognitive Radio Systems in Nakagami Fading, FREQUENZ, Vol. 68, No. 11-12, pp. 563 - 572, Oct, 2014

Autori Jiana Jarrouj, Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2014
DOI 10.1515/freq-2014-0029
Impakt faktor 0.393 (M23)
Volumen 68
Broj 11-12
Strana od 563
Strana do 572

Exact bit error probabilities and packet error statistics for SVD transmission over time-varying dual-branch MIMO systems obtained by a Markov model

P. Ivanis, M. Stojnic, D. Drajic, Exact bit error probabilities and packet error statistics for SVD transmission over time-varying dual-branch MIMO systems obtained by a Markov model, AEU-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 113 - 122, Feb, 2013

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Milena Stojnić i Dušan Drajić
Godina 2013
DOI 10.1016/j.aeue.2012.07.001
Impakt faktor 0.696 (M23)
Volumen 67
Broj 2
Strana od 113
Strana do 122

Ergodic Capacity for TAS/MRC Spectrum Sharing Cognitive Radio

V. Blagojevic, P. Ivanis, Ergodic Capacity for TAS/MRC Spectrum Sharing Cognitive Radio, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 321 - 323, Mar, 2012

Autori Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2012
DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2012.011312.111488
Impakt faktor 1.16 (M22)
Volumen 16
Broj 3
Strana od 321
Strana do 323

Ergodic Capacity of Spectrum Sharing Systems with OSTBC in Nakagami Fading

V. Blagojevic, P. Ivanis, Ergodic Capacity of Spectrum Sharing Systems with OSTBC in Nakagami Fading, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, Vol. 16, No. 9, pp. 1500 - 1503, Sep, 2012

Autori Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2012
DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2012.072012.120713
Impakt faktor 1.16 (M22)
Volumen 16
Broj 9
Strana od 1500
Strana do 1503

Second-order statistics of a maximum ratio combiner with unbalanced and unequally distributed Nakagami branches

P. Ivanis, V. Blagojevic, D. Drajic, B. Vucetic, Second-order statistics of a maximum ratio combiner with unbalanced and unequally distributed Nakagami branches, IET COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 5, No. 13, pp. 1829 - 1835, Sep, 2011

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Vesna Blagojević, Dušan Drajić i Branka Vučetić
Godina 2011
DOI 10.1049/iet-com.2010.0493
Impakt faktor 0.963 (M23)
Volumen 5
Broj 13
Strana od 1829
Strana do 1835

Closed-Form Level Crossing Rates Expressions of Orthogonalized Correlated MIMO Channels

P. Ivanis, V. Blagojevic, D. Drajic, B. Vucetic, Closed-Form Level Crossing Rates Expressions of Orthogonalized Correlated MIMO Channels, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 1910 - 1916, May, 2011

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Vesna Blagojević, Dušan Drajić i Branka Vučetić
Godina 2011
DOI 10.1109/TVT.2011.2129546
Impakt faktor 1.921 (M21)
Volumen 60
Broj 4
Strana od 1910
Strana do 1916

Effects of LDPC Code on the BER Performance of MPSK System with Imperfect Receiver Components over Rician Channels

G. Djordjevic, I. Djordjevic, P. Ivanis, Effects of LDPC Code on the BER Performance of MPSK System with Imperfect Receiver Components over Rician Channels, ETRI JOURNAL, Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 619 - 621, Oct, 2009

Autori Goran Đorđević, Ivan Đorđević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2009
DOI 10.4218/etrij.09.0209.0163
Impakt faktor 1.109 (M22)
Volumen 31
Broj 10
Strana od 619
Strana do 621

The second order statistics of maximal ratio combining with unbalanced branches

P. Ivanis, D. Drajic, B. Vucetic, The second order statistics of maximal ratio combining with unbalanced branches, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 508 - 510, Jul, 2008

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Dušan Drajić i Branka Vučetić
Godina 2008
DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2008.080376.
Impakt faktor 1.232
Volumen 12
Broj 7
Strana od 508
Strana do 510

Level Crossing Rates in Transmit Beamforming Systems

P. Ivanis, D. Drajic, B. Vucetic, Level Crossing Rates in Transmit Beamforming Systems, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 246 - 248, Mar, 2007

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Dušan Drajić i Branka Vučetić
Godina 2007
DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2007.061758
Impakt faktor 1.058
Volumen 11
Broj 3
Strana od 246
Strana do 248

Level Crossing Rates of Ricean MIMO Channel Eigenvalues for Imperfect and Outdated CSI

P. Ivanis, D. Drajic, B. Vucetic, Level Crossing Rates of Ricean MIMO Channel Eigenvalues for Imperfect and Outdated CSI, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, Vol. 11, No. 10, pp. 775 - 777, Oct, 2007

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Dušan Drajić i Branka Vučetić
Godina 2007
DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2007.070894
Impakt faktor 1.058
Volumen 11
Broj 10
Strana od 775
Strana do 777

Radovi u časopisima van SCI liste

On Guaranteed Correction of Error Patterns with Artificial Neural Networks

S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, B. Vasić, On Guaranteed Correction of Error Patterns with Artificial Neural Networks, TELFOR JOURNAL, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 51 - 55, Dec, 2022

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2022
DOI 10.5937/telfor2202051B
Volumen 14
Broj 2
Strana od 51
Strana do 55

Statistical Analysis of CQI Reporting and MIMO Utilization for Downlink Scheduling in Live LTE Mobile Network

I.A. Tomić, Đ. Lukić, M. Davidović, D.D. Drajić, P. Ivaniš, Statistical Analysis of CQI Reporting and MIMO Utilization for Downlink Scheduling in Live LTE Mobile Network, TELFOR JOURNAL, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 8 - 12, 2020

Autori Igor Tomić, Đorđe Lukić, Milutin Davidović, Dejan Drajić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2020
DOI 10.5937/telfor2001008T
Volumen 12
Broj 1
Strana od 8
Strana do 12

Outage performance of cognitive RF/FSO system with MRC scheme at the receiver

A. Cvetković, V. Blagojević, P. Ivaniš, Outage performance of cognitive RF/FSO system with MRC scheme at the receiver, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS - SERIES: AUTOMATIC CONTROL AND ROBOTICS, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 205 - 217, Dec, 2015

Autori Aleksandra Cvetković, Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2015
Volumen 14
Broj 3
Strana od 205
Strana do 217

Symbolic Analysis of Faulty Logic Circuits under Correlated Data-Dependent Gate Failures

S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, G. Đorđević, B. Vasić, Symbolic Analysis of Faulty Logic Circuits under Correlated Data-Dependent Gate Failures, TELFOR JOURNAL, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 2 - 6, Nov, 2014

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš, Goran Đorđević i Bane Vasić
Godina 2014
Volumen 6
Broj 1
Strana od 2
Strana do 6

Performance Analysis of Faulty Gallager-B Decoding of QC-LDPC Codes with Applications

O. Al Rashhed, S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, B. Vasić, Performance Analysis of Faulty Gallager-B Decoding of QC-LDPC Codes with Applications, TELFOR JOURNAL, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 7 - 11, Nov, 2014

Autori Omran Al Rasheed, Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2014
Volumen 6
Broj 1
Strana od 7
Strana do 11

Performance analysis of iterative decoding algorithms for PEG LDPC codes in Nakagami fading channels

O. Al Rasheed, D. Radović, P. Ivaniš, Performance analysis of iterative decoding algorithms for PEG LDPC codes in Nakagami fading channels, TELFOR JOURNAL, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 97 - 102, Nov, 2013

Autori Omran Al Rasheed, Dajana Radović i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2013
Volumen 5
Broj 2
Strana od 97
Strana do 102

Statistical Properties of SIR for Spectrum Sharing Systems in Nakagami Fading

J. Jarrouj, V. Blagojević, P. Ivaniš, Statistical Properties of SIR for Spectrum Sharing Systems in Nakagami Fading, TELEKOMUNIKACIJE, No. 12, pp. 102 - 110, Nov, 2013

Autori Jiana Jarrouj, Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2013
Broj 12
Strana od 102
Strana do 110

Energy detector performance in Rician fading channel

S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, Energy detector performance in Rician fading channel, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 37 - 46, Feb, 2013

Autori Srđan Brkić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2013
Časopis Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering
Volumen 10
Broj 1
Strana od 37
Strana do 46

Analysis of Software Realized DSA Algorithm For Digital Signature

B. Pajčin, P. Ivaniš, Analysis of Software Realized DSA Algorithm For Digital Signature, ELECTRONICS, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 73 - 78, Dec, 2011

Autori Bojan Pajčin i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2011
Volumen 15
Broj 2
Strana od 73
Strana do 78

Performance Evaluaton of HARQ Technique with UMTS Turbo Code

S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, Performance Evaluaton of HARQ Technique with UMTS Turbo Code, TELFOR JOURNAL, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 86 - 89, Nov, 2011

Autori Srđan Brkić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2011
Volumen 3
Broj 2
Strana od 86
Strana do 89

The Simulation Model of Optical Transport System and its Applications to Efficient Error Control Techniques Design

P. Ivaniš, D. Drajić, The Simulation Model of Optical Transport System and its Applications to Efficient Error Control Techniques Design, ELECTRONICS, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 30 - 34, Dec, 2009

Autori Predrag Ivaniš i Dušan Drajić
Godina 2009
Volumen 13
Broj 2
Strana od 30
Strana do 34

Irregular LDPC Codes for Transmission over Non-Regenerative Non-Linear Satellite System in the Presence of Co-Channel Interferences

G. Đorđević, I. Đorđević, P. Ivaniš, B. Vasić, Irregular LDPC Codes for Transmission over Non-Regenerative Non-Linear Satellite System in the Presence of Co-Channel Interferences, ETF JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 31 - 40, May, 2008

Autori Goran Đorđević, Ivan Đorđević, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2008
Volumen 17
Broj 1
Strana od 31
Strana do 40

Performances of Chaotic CSK and DCSK systems with maximum likelihood detection

G. Petković, P. Ivaniš, D. Drajić, Performances of Chaotic CSK and DCSK systems with maximum likelihood detection, ELECTRONICS, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 15 - 19, Oct, 2005

Autori Goran Petković, Predrag Ivaniš i Dušan Drajić
Godina 2005
Volumen 9
Broj 1
Strana od 15
Strana do 19

Adaptive Vector Quantization in SVD MIMO System Backward Link with Limited Number of Active Subchannels

P. Ivaniš, D. Drajić, Adaptive Vector Quantization in SVD MIMO System Backward Link with Limited Number of Active Subchannels, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 113 - 123, Nov, 2004

Autori Predrag Ivaniš i Dušan Drajić
Godina 2004
Časopis Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering
Volumen 1
Broj 3
Strana od 113
Strana do 123

Povećanje kapaciteta bežičnih telekomunikacionih sistema korišćenjem mimo kanala sa space-time kodovima

V. Blagojević, P. Ivaniš, Povećanje kapaciteta bežičnih telekomunikacionih sistema korišćenjem mimo kanala sa space-time kodovima, TELEKOMUNIKACIJE, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 21 - 25, Sep, 2002

Autori Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2002
Volumen 47
Broj 3
Strana od 21
Strana do 25

Radovi sa međunarodnih konferencija

CNN and LSTM Neural Networks for spectral efficiency improvements in LEO Satellite networks

I. Vajs, P. Ivaniš, D. Drajić, Z. Čiča, CNN and LSTM Neural Networks for spectral efficiency improvements in LEO Satellite networks, 2024 32nd Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), pp. 626 - 629, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2024

Autori Ivan Vajs, Predrag Ivaniš, Dejan Drajić i Zoran Čiča
Godina 2024
ISSN/ISBN 979-8-3503-9106-0
DOI 10.1109/TELFOR63250.2024.10819092
Strana od 626
Strana do 629

Integrated Satellite-Aerial-Terrestrial Networks for Data-Collecting in IoT System with Wireless Powering

V. Blagojević, A. Cvetković, P. Ivaniš, J. Manojlović, Integrated Satellite-Aerial-Terrestrial Networks for Data-Collecting in IoT System with Wireless Powering, XVII International Conference SAUM 2024, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Nis, Serbia, Nov, 2024

Autori Vesna Blagojević, Aleksandra Cvetković, Predrag Ivaniš i Jelena Manojlović
Godina 2024
Izdavač Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Learning to Decode Linear Block Codes using Adaptive Gradient-Descent Bit-Flipping

J. Milojković, S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, B. Vasić, Learning to Decode Linear Block Codes using Adaptive Gradient-Descent Bit-Flipping, 2023 12th International Symposium on Topics in Coding (ISTC), pp. 21 - 25, IEEE, Brest, France, Sep, 2023

Autori Jovan Milojković, Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2023
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-2611-6
DOI 10.1109/ISTC57237.2023.10273470
Strana od 21
Strana do 25

Performance of Handover Execution in Satellite Networks with Shadowed-Rician Fading

J. Milojković, S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, Z. Čiča, Performance of Handover Execution in Satellite Networks with Shadowed-Rician Fading, 2023 16th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (TELSIKS), Nis, Serbia, Oct, 2023

Autori Jovan Milojković, Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Zoran Čiča
Godina 2023
ISSN/ISBN 979-8-3503-4701-2
DOI 10.1109/TELSIKS57806.2023.10315719

Performance of Mixed Shadowed Ricean/TWDP Relayed Assisted Link

G. Đorđević, N. Milošević, J. Makal, B. Vasić, P. Ivaniš, Performance of Mixed Shadowed Ricean/TWDP Relayed Assisted Link, 10th International conference on electrical, electronic, and computing engineering (IcETRAN 2023), IEEE, East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jun, 2023

Autori Goran Đorđević, Nenad Milošević, Jaroslaw Makal, Bata Vasić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2023
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-0711-5
DOI 10.1109/IcETRAN59631.2023.10192170
Strana od TEI 1.7

Performance analysis of land mobile satellite-terrestrial systems with selection relaying

J. Milojković, P. Ivaniš, V. Blagojević, S. Brkić, Performance analysis of land mobile satellite-terrestrial systems with selection relaying, 10th International conference on electrical, electronic, and computing engineering (IcETRAN 2023), IEEE, East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jun, 2023

Autori Jovan Milojković, Predrag Ivaniš, Vesna Blagojević i Srđan Brkić
Godina 2023
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-0711-5
DOI 10.1109/IcETRAN59631.2023.10192199
Strana od TEI 1.2

The method of generating shadowed Ricean fading with desired statistical properties

P. Ivaniš, V. Blagojević, G. Đorđević, The method of generating shadowed Ricean fading with desired statistical properties, 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2023, pp. 1 - 6, IEEE, East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mar, 2023

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Vesna Blagojević i Goran Đorđević
Godina 2023
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN Electronic ISSN: 2767-9470
DOI 10.1109/INFOTEH57020.2023.10094201
Strana od 1
Strana do 6

On the Secrecy Analysis of Satellite-Terrestrial Communication Link over Gamma–shadowed Ricean Fading Channels

J. Anastasov, P. Ivaniš, J. Makal, G. Djordjevic, D. Milić, On the Secrecy Analysis of Satellite-Terrestrial Communication Link over Gamma–shadowed Ricean Fading Channels, 13th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing CSNDSP 2022, pp. 179 - 184, IEEE, Porto, Portugal, Jul, 2022

Autori Jelena Anastasov, Predrag Ivaniš, Joroslav Makal, Goran Djordjevic i Dejan Milić
Godina 2022
Izdavač IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CSNDSP54353.2022.9908002
Strana od 179
Strana do 184

Reliability of Earth - Space Links under Deep Fades with Interleaved Reed - Solomon Codes

S. Brkić, Z. Čiča, A. Radošević, Đ. Sarač, P. Ivaniš, Reliability of Earth - Space Links under Deep Fades with Interleaved Reed - Solomon Codes, 9th IcETRAN 2022, ETRAN Society, Novi Pazar, Serbia, Jun, 2022

Autori Srđan Brkić, Zoran Čiča, Andreja Radošević, Đorđe Sarač i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2022
Izdavač ETRAN Society
Strana od TEI 1.5

Ergodic Capacity Analysis of Cognitive System with Self-Sustainable Relay and Statistical CSI

N. Kozić, V. Blagojević, P. Ivaniš, Ergodic Capacity Analysis of Cognitive System with Self-Sustainable Relay and Statistical CSI, 29th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2021, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2021

Autori Nadica Kozić, Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2021
Izdavač IEEE

On the impact of network load on CQI reporting and Link Adaptation in LTE systems

I. Tomić, M. Davidović, D. Drajić, P. Ivaniš, On the impact of network load on CQI reporting and Link Adaptation in LTE systems, 8th. IcETRAN 2021, pp. 621 - 624, Ethno village Stanišići, Republic of Srpska, BiH, Sep, 2021

Autori Igor Tomić, Milutin Davidović, Dejan Drajić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2021
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7466-894-8
Strana od 621
Strana do 624

Applicability of single- and two-hidden-layer neural networks in decoding linear block codes

S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, B. Vasić, Applicability of single- and two-hidden-layer neural networks in decoding linear block codes, 29th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2021, pp. 170 - 174, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2021

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2021
Izdavač IEEE
Strana od 170
Strana do 174

Statistical Analysis of CQI Reporting and MIMO Utilization for Downlink Scheduling in Live LTE Mobile Network

I. Tomic, D. Lukić, M. Davidovic, D. Drajić, P. Ivaniš, Statistical Analysis of CQI Reporting and MIMO Utilization for Downlink Scheduling in Live LTE Mobile Network, 27th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2019, pp. 209 - 212, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2019

Autori Igor Tomic, Djordje Lukić, Milutin Davidovic, Dejan Drajić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2019
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-7281-4789-5
DOI 10.1109/TELFOR48224.2019.8971296
Strana od 209
Strana do 212

Analysis and Design of LDPC Codes for FTN Signaling with Finite Number of Turbo Iterations

S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, A. Radošević, Analysis and Design of LDPC Codes for FTN Signaling with Finite Number of Turbo Iterations, 27th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2019, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2019

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Andreja Radošević
Godina 2019
Izdavač IEEE
DOI 10.1109/TELFOR48224.2019.8971243

Performance Analysis of DDPSK Receiver for Applications in IoT Systems

G. Djordjevic, N. Milošević, P. Ivaniš, Performance Analysis of DDPSK Receiver for Applications in IoT Systems, 27th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2019, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2019

Autori Goran Djordjevic, Nenad Milošević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2019
Izdavač IEEE
DOI 10.1109/TELFOR48224.2019.8971327

Outage Probability Analysis of Mixed RF-FSO System Influenced by Fisher-Snedecor Fading and Gamma-Gamma Atmospheric Turbulence

M. Petković, P. Ivaniš, G. Djordjevic, Outage Probability Analysis of Mixed RF-FSO System Influenced by Fisher-Snedecor Fading and Gamma-Gamma Atmospheric Turbulence, 26th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2018, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2018

Autori Milica Petković, Predrag Ivaniš i Goran Djordjevic
Godina 2018
Izdavač IEEE
DOI 10.1109/TELFOR.2018.8611801

On the Capacity of SWIPT Cooperative Relaying System in Generalized Fading Environment

V. Blagojević, A. Cvetković, P. Ivaniš, On the Capacity of SWIPT Cooperative Relaying System in Generalized Fading Environment, SAUM 2018, Faculty of Electronic Engeneering, Nis, Serbia, Nov, 2018

Autori Vesna Blagojević, Aleksandra Cvetković i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2018
Izdavač Faculty of Electronic Engeneering

Hard-decision decoding of LDPC codes under timing errors: overview and new results

S. Brkic, P. Ivanis, B. Vasic, Hard-decision decoding of LDPC codes under timing errors: overview and new results, 25th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2017, pp. 246 - 253, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2017

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2017
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5386-3072-3
DOI 10.1109/TELFOR.2017.8249332
Strana od 246
Strana do 253

Multi-Bit Flipping Algorithms with Probabilistic Gradient Descent

B. Vasić, P. Ivaniš, S. Brkic, Multi-Bit Flipping Algorithms with Probabilistic Gradient Descent, Information Theory and Applications Workshop ITA 2017, IEEE, San Diego, CA, USA, Feb, 2017

Autori Bane Vasić, Predrag Ivaniš i Srđan Brkić
Godina 2017
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5090-5293-6
DOI 10.1109/ITA.2017.8023480

Stochastic Resonance in Iterative Decoding: Message Passing and Gradient Descent Bit Flipping

P. Ivanis, S. Brkic, B. Vasic, Stochastic Resonance in Iterative Decoding: Message Passing and Gradient Descent Bit Flipping, 13th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications TELSIKS 2017, IEEE, Nis, Serbia, Oct, 2017

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Srđan Brkić i Bane Vasić
Godina 2017
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5386-1800-4
DOI 10.1109/TELSKS.2017.8246285

Performance evaluation of faulty iterative decoders using absorbing Markov chains

P. Ivanis, B. Vasic, D. Declercq, Performance evaluation of faulty iterative decoders using absorbing Markov chains, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory ISIT 2016, IEEE, Barcelona, Spain, Jul, 2016

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Bane Vasić i David Declercq
Godina 2016
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 2157-8117 / 978-1-5090-1806-2
DOI 10.1109/ISIT.2016.7541562

Message-Aggregation-Enhanced Iterative Hard-Decision Decoders

S. Brkic, P. Ivanis, B. Vasić, D. Declercq, Message-Aggregation-Enhanced Iterative Hard-Decision Decoders, Information Theory and Applications Workshop ITA 2016, IEEE, La Jolla, CA, USA, Jan, 2016

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš, Bane Vasić i David Declercq
Godina 2016
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5090-2529-9
DOI 10.1109/ITA.2016.7888184

Guaranteed Error Correction of Faulty Bit-Flipping Decoders under Data-Dependent Gate Failures

S. Brkic, P. Ivanis, B. Vasic, Guaranteed Error Correction of Faulty Bit-Flipping Decoders under Data-Dependent Gate Failures, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory ISIT 2016, IEEE, Barcelona, Spain, Jul, 2016

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2016
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 2157-8117 / 978-1-5090-1806-2
DOI 10.1109/ISIT.2016.7541561

Partial relay selection with variable gain relays and outdated CSI in mixed RF/FSO system

M. Petkovic, G. Djordjevic, P. Ivanis, B. Vasic, Partial relay selection with variable gain relays and outdated CSI in mixed RF/FSO system, 24th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2016, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2016

Autori Milica Petković, Goran Đorđević, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2016
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5090-4085-8
DOI 10.1109/TELFOR.2016.7818784

Noise-Aided Gradient Descent Bit-Flipping Decoders approaching Maximum Likelihood Decoding

D. Declercq, C. Winstead, B. Vasic, F. Ghaffari, P. Ivanis, E. Boutillon, Noise-Aided Gradient Descent Bit-Flipping Decoders approaching Maximum Likelihood Decoding, 9th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing ISTC 2016, Special Session: Noisy Error Correction, IEEE, Brest, France, Sep, 2016

Autori David Declercq, Chris Winstead, Bane Vasić, Fakhreddine Ghaffari, Predrag Ivaniš i Emmanuel Boutillon
Godina 2016
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5090-3401-7
DOI 10.1109/ISTC.2016.7593125

Approaching maximum likelihood performance of LDPC codes by stochastic resonance in noisy iterative decoders

B. Vasić, P. Ivaniš, D. Declercq, K. LeTrung, Approaching maximum likelihood performance of LDPC codes by stochastic resonance in noisy iterative decoders, Information Theory and Applications Workshop ITA 2016, IEEE, La Jolla, CA, USA, Jan, 2016

Autori Bane Vasić, Predrag Ivaniš, David Declercq i Khoa LeTrung
Godina 2016
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5090-2529-9
DOI 10.1109/ITA.2016.7888185

Impact of correlation on outage performance of FSO system with switch-and-stay diversity receiver

M. Petković, J. Anastasov, G. Djordjevic, P. Ivanis, Impact of correlation on outage performance of FSO system with switch-and-stay diversity receiver, IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC 2015, IEEE, London, UK, Jun, 2015

Autori Milica Petković, Jelena Anastasov, Goran Djordjevic i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2015
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 1550-3607 / 978-1-4673-6432-4
DOI 10.1109/ICC.2015.7248743

Ergodic capacity of multi-antenna spectrum sharing cognitive radio with outdated CSI

V. Blagojević, P. Ivaniš, Ergodic capacity of multi-antenna spectrum sharing cognitive radio with outdated CSI, 23rd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2015, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2015

Autori Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2015
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5090-0055-5
DOI 10.1109/TELFOR.2015.7377462

Complexity and performance of QC-MDPC code-based McEliece cryptosystems

O. Al Rasheed, P. Ivaniš, Complexity and performance of QC-MDPC code-based McEliece cryptosystems, 12th International Conference on Telecommunication in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services TELSIKS 2015, IEEE, Nis, Serbia, Oct, 2015

Autori Omran Al Rasheed i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2015
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4673-7516-0
DOI 10.1109/TELSKS.2015.7357731

MUDRI: A fault-tolerant decoding algorithm

P. Ivanis, O. Al Rasheed, B. Vasić, MUDRI: A fault-tolerant decoding algorithm, IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC 2015, IEEE, London, UK, Jun, 2015

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Omran Al Rasheed i Bane Vasić
Godina 2015
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 1550-3607 / 978-1-4673-6432-4
DOI 10.1109/ICC.2015.7248997

An error correcting technique for performance improvement of OFDM based secondary link

N. Vukmirović, M. Janjić, P. Ivaniš, An error correcting technique for performance improvement of OFDM based secondary link, 12th International Conference on Telecommunication in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services TELSIKS 2015, IEEE, Nis, Serbia, Oct, 2015

Autori Nenad Vukmirović, Miloš Janjić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2015
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4673-7516-0
DOI 10.1109/TELSKS.2015.7357732

Low complexity memory architectures based on LDPC codes: benefits and disadvantages

B. Vasić, P. Ivaniš, S. Brkic, Low complexity memory architectures based on LDPC codes: benefits and disadvantages, 2015 12th International Conference on Telecommunication in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS), IEEE, Nis, Serbia, Oct, 2015

Autori Bane Vasić, Predrag Ivaniš i Srđan Brkić
Godina 2015
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4673-7516-0
DOI 10.1109/TELSKS.2015.7357727

Efficient realization of probabilistic gradient descent bit flipping decoders

K. LeTrung, D. Declercq, F. Ghaffari, C. Spagnol, E. Popovici, P. Ivaniš, B. Vasić, Efficient realization of probabilistic gradient descent bit flipping decoders, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2015, IEEE, Lisbon, Portugal, May, 2015

Autori Khoa LeTrung, David Declercq, Fakhreddine Ghaffari, Christian Spagnol, Emmanuel Popovici, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2015
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 0271-4302 / 978-1-4799-8391-9
DOI 10.1109/ISCAS.2015.7168928

Fault-Resilient Decoders and Memories made of Unreliable Components

B. Vasic, P. Ivanis, S. Brkic, V. Ravanmehr, Fault-Resilient Decoders and Memories made of Unreliable Components, Information Theory and Applications Workshop ITA 2015, IEEE, San Diego, CA, USA, Feb, 2015

Autori Bane Vasić, Predrag Ivaniš, Srđan Brkić i Vida Ravanmehr
Godina 2015
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4799-7195-4
DOI 10.1109/ITA.2015.7308978

Analysis of one-step majority logic decoding under correlated data-dependent gate failures

S. Brkic, P. Ivanis, B. Vasić, Analysis of one-step majority logic decoding under correlated data-dependent gate failures, 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), IEEE, Honolulu, USA, Jun, 2014

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2014
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4799-5186-4
DOI 10.1109/ISIT.2014.6875304

Complexity of the McEliece cryptosystem based on GDBF decoder for QC-LDPC codes

O. Al Rasheed, D. Drajic, P. Ivanis, Complexity of the McEliece cryptosystem based on GDBF decoder for QC-LDPC codes, XLIX International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2014, University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Serbia, Jun, 2014

Autori Omran Al Rasheed, Dejan Drajić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2014
Izdavač University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-6125-108-5

Taylor-Kuznetsov fault-tolerant memories: a survey and results under correlated gate failures

S. Brkic, P. Ivanis, G. Djordjevic, B. Vasic, Taylor-Kuznetsov fault-tolerant memories: a survey and results under correlated gate failures, 11th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services TELSIKS 2013, pp. 455 - 462, Nis, Serbia, Oct, 2013

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš, Goran Đorđević i Bane Vasić
Godina 2013
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4799-0900-1
DOI 10.1109/TELSKS.2013.6704419
Strana od 455
Strana do 462

Analysis of SIR for spectrum sharing system with OSTBC in Nakagami fading

J. Jarrouj, V. Blagojevic, P. Ivaniš, Analysis of SIR for spectrum sharing system with OSTBC in Nakagami fading, 21st Telecommunications Forum Telfor TELFOR 2013, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2013

Autori Jiana Jarrouj, Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2013
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4799-1420-3
DOI 10.1109/TELFOR.2013.6716227

Symbolic analysis of faulty logic circuits in the presence of correlated gate failures

S. Brkic, P. Ivanis, G. Djordjevic, B. Vasic, Symbolic analysis of faulty logic circuits in the presence of correlated gate failures, 21st Telecommunications Forum Telfor TELFOR 2013, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2013

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš, Goran Đorđević i Bane Vasić
Godina 2013
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4799-1419-7
DOI 10.1109/TELFOR.2013.6716246

Link adaptation as a technique to achieve information-theoretic limits in MIMO systems?

D. Drajic, P. Ivanis, Link adaptation as a technique to achieve information-theoretic limits in MIMO systems?, 11th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services TELSIKS 2013, IEEE, Niš, Serbia, Oct, 2013

Autori Dušan Drajić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2013
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4799-0902-5
DOI 10.1109/TELSKS.2013.6704920

Performance Analysis of Faulty Gallager-B Decoding of QC-LDPC Codes

O. Al Rasheed, S. Brkic, P. Ivanis, B. Vasic, Performance Analysis of Faulty Gallager-B Decoding of QC-LDPC Codes, 21st Telecommunications Forum Telfor TELFOR 2013, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2013

Autori Omran Al Rasheed, Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2013
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4799-1419-7
DOI 10.1109/TELFOR.2013.6716235

Ergodic Capacity of Spectrum Sharing Cognitive Radio with MRC Diversity and Nakagami Fading

V. Blagojevic, P. Ivanis, Ergodic Capacity of Spectrum Sharing Cognitive Radio with MRC Diversity and Nakagami Fading, IEEE WCNC 2012, pp. 2797 - 2801, IEEE Communications Society, Paris, France, Apr, 2012

Autori Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2012
Izdavač IEEE Communications Society
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-1-4673-0436-8
Strana od 2797
Strana do 2801

User Cooperation Diversity in Cognitive Radio Systems

P. Ivaniš, V. Blagojević, M. Stojnić, S. Brkić, User Cooperation Diversity in Cognitive Radio Systems, SAUM 2012, pp. 72 - 79, Faculty of Electronic Engeneering, Nis, Serbia, Nov, 2012

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Vesna Blagojević, Milena Stojnić i Srđan Brkić
Godina 2012
Izdavač Faculty of Electronic Engeneering
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-86-6125-072-9.
Strana od 72
Strana do 79

Joint Optimization of Adaptive Modulation and Eigenchannel Power Allocation in Dual-Branch SVD-MIMO Systems

S. Brkic, P. Ivaniš, Joint Optimization of Adaptive Modulation and Eigenchannel Power Allocation in Dual-Branch SVD-MIMO Systems, SAUM 2012, pp. 343 - 346, Faculty of Electronic Engeneering, Nis, Serbia, Nov, 2012

Autori Srđan Brkić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2012
Izdavač Faculty of Electronic Engeneering
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-86-6125-072-9
Strana od 343
Strana do 346

Trapping Sets in Structured LDPC Codes Decoded Using Two-Bit Bit Flipping and Belief Propagation Algorithm

D. Radović, P. Ivaniš, Trapping Sets in Structured LDPC Codes Decoded Using Two-Bit Bit Flipping and Belief Propagation Algorithm, SAUM 2012, pp. 347 - 350, Faculty of Electronic Engeneering, Nis, Serbia, Nov, 2012

Autori Dajana Radović i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2012
Izdavač Faculty of Electronic Engeneering
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-86-6125-072-9
Strana od 347
Strana do 350

Performances of Progressive Edge-Gorwth LDPC codes in Nakagami fading channel

O. Al Rasheed, D. Radovic, P. Ivaniš, Performances of Progressive Edge-Gorwth LDPC codes in Nakagami fading channel, TELFOR 2012, pp. 560 - 563, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2012

Autori Omran Al Rasheed, Dajana Radović i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2012
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-1-4673-2984-2
Strana od 560
Strana do 563

Performances of HARQ Technique with UMTS Turbo Code in Nakagami Fading Channels

S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, Performances of HARQ Technique with UMTS Turbo Code in Nakagami Fading Channels, IEEE TELSIKS 2011, pp. 459 - 462, IEEE, Nis, Serbia, Oct, 2011

Autori Srđan Brkić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2011
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-1-4577-2018-5
DOI 10.1109/TELSKS.2011.6143243
Strana od 459
Strana do 462

Statistical Characterization of the Time-Varying Orthogonalized MIMO Systems over Non-isotropic Rayleigh Fading Channels

D. Drajić, P. Ivaniš, M. Stojnić, Statistical Characterization of the Time-Varying Orthogonalized MIMO Systems over Non-isotropic Rayleigh Fading Channels, IEEE TELSIKS 2011, pp. 138 - 147, IEEE, Nis, Serbia, Oct, 2011

Autori Dušan Drajić, Predrag Ivaniš i Milena Stojnić
Godina 2011
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-1-4577-2018-5
Strana od 138
Strana do 147

Application of LDPC Codes on the MIMO Channel Model Based on the Geometrical One-ring Scattering Model

M. Stojnić, P. Ivaniš, Application of LDPC Codes on the MIMO Channel Model Based on the Geometrical One-ring Scattering Model, IEEE International Conference on Computer as a Tool, EUROCON 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, Apr, 2011

Autori Milena Stojnić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2011
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-1-4244-7486-8
DOI 10.1109/EUROCON.2011.5929261

The second order statistics of a two-branch MRC with power unbalanced Nakagami distributed branches

P. Ivaniš, V. Blagojević, D. Drajić, B. Vučetić, The second order statistics of a two-branch MRC with power unbalanced Nakagami distributed branches, IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services, TELSIKS 2011, pp. 455 - 458, IEEE, Nis, Serbia, Oct, 2011

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Vesna Blagojević, Dušan Drajić i Branka Vučetić
Godina 2011
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-1-4577-2018-5
DOI 10.1109/TELSKS.2011.6143242
Strana od 455
Strana do 458

The Second Order Statistics of One-Ring MIMO model and its Applications

V. Blagojević, P. Ivaniš, The Second Order Statistics of One-Ring MIMO model and its Applications, IEEE International Conference on Computer as a Tool, EUROCON 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, Apr, 2011

Autori Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2011
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4244-7486-8
DOI 10.1109/EUROCON.2011.5929260

The Application of OSTBC with Alamouti Scheme in Spectrum-Sharing Cognitive Radio

V. Blagojević, P. Ivaniš, The Application of OSTBC with Alamouti Scheme in Spectrum-Sharing Cognitive Radio, International Scientific Conference on Information,Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2011, pp. 243 - 246, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, Niš, Serbia, Jun, 2011

Autori Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2011
Izdavač Elektronski fakultet u Nišu
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-86-6125-031-6
Strana od 243
Strana do 246

Markov Channel Model for MIMO Systems and its Applications for Efficient Error Control

M. Stojnić, P. Ivaniš, Markov Channel Model for MIMO Systems and its Applications for Efficient Error Control, IEEE European Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications, ECCSC 2010, pp. 282 - 285, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2010

Autori Milena Stojnić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2010
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-1-61284-400-8
Strana od 282
Strana do 285

Level Crossing Rate of MRC with Transmit Antenna Selection in Unequally Distributed Nakagami Fading Channels

V. Blagojević, P. Ivaniš, Level Crossing Rate of MRC with Transmit Antenna Selection in Unequally Distributed Nakagami Fading Channels, IEEE European Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications, ECCSC 2010, pp. 260 - 263, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2010

Autori Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2010
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-61284-400-8
Strana od 260
Strana do 263

Cross Layer Combining of Adaptive Modulation and Hybrid ARQ for SVD-Based MIMO Transmission over Ricean Fading Channels

P. Ivaniš, D. Drajić, Cross Layer Combining of Adaptive Modulation and Hybrid ARQ for SVD-Based MIMO Transmission over Ricean Fading Channels, IEEE EUROCON 2009, pp. 1616 - 1623, IEEE, St. Petersburg, Rusia, May, 2009

Autori Predrag Ivaniš i Dejan Drajić
Godina 2009
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-1-4244-3861-7
DOI 10.1109/EURCON.2009.5167859
Strana od 1616
Strana do 1623

Dynamic Properties of Adaptive MIMO Systems and their Applications to the Efficient Error Control Techniques Design

P. Ivanis, D. Drajic, Dynamic Properties of Adaptive MIMO Systems and their Applications to the Efficient Error Control Techniques Design, ITG-Fachgruppe »Angewandte Informationstheorie«, Codierung und Kryptographie, Institut für Digitale Kommunikationssysteme, Siegen, Germany, Apr, 2008

Autori Predrag Ivaniš i Dušan Drajić
Godina 2008

Packet Error Statistics in a MIMO-MRC Transmission over Rayleigh Fading Channels

P. Ivaniš, D. Drajić, Packet Error Statistics in a MIMO-MRC Transmission over Rayleigh Fading Channels, 2007 8th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services, pp. 156 - 160, IEEE, Nis, Serbia, Sep, 2007

Autori Predrag Ivaniš i Dušan Drajić
Godina 2007
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4244-1467-3
DOI 10.1109/TELSKS.2007.4375962
Strana od 156
Strana do 160

Radovi sa domaćih konferencija

LDPC dekoderi sa reinicijalizacijama koji objedinjuju tvrde odluke i razmenu mekih poruka

P. Ivaniš, S. Brkić, B. Vasić, LDPC dekoderi sa reinicijalizacijama koji objedinjuju tvrde odluke i razmenu mekih poruka, Zbornik 66. konferencije ETRAN 2022, Društvo za Etran, Novi Pazar, Srbija, Jun, 2022

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Srđan Brkić i Bane Vasić
Godina 2022
Izdavač Društvo za Etran

Novi pristupi u daljinskoj nastavi i radu stručnih tela Elektrotehničkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu tokom pandemije Covid-19

D. Drašković, T. Šekularac, A. Srbljanović, B. Nikolić, J. Protić, M. Cvetanović, P. Ivaniš, M. Tomašević, Novi pristupi u daljinskoj nastavi i radu stručnih tela Elektrotehničkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu tokom pandemije Covid-19, XXVII skup Trendovi razvoja - "Onlajn nastava na univerzitetima", pp. 6 - 11, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad (MS Teams platforma), Feb, 2021

Autori Dražen Drašković, Tamara Šekularac Obradović, Aleksa Srbljanović, Boško Nikolić, Jelica Protić, Miloš Cvetanović, Predrag Ivaniš i Milo Tomašević
Godina 2021
Izdavač Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Fakultet tehničkih nauka
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-6022-313-7
Strana od 6
Strana do 11

Towards Energy-Efficient Reliable On-Chip Communications based on LDPC Codes

S. Brkic, P. Ivanis, B. Vasic, Towards Energy-Efficient Reliable On-Chip Communications based on LDPC Codes, The Sixth Conference on Information Theory and Complex Systems TINKOS 2018, Beograd, Srbija, Jun, 2018

Autori Srđan Brkić, Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2018

Reliable Storage of Information Using the Effect of Error-Correcting Errors

P. Ivaniš, B. Vasić, Reliable Storage of Information Using the Effect of Error-Correcting Errors, The Fourth National Conference on Information Theory and Complex Systems TINKOS 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, Oct, 2016

Autori Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2016

Uticaj korelisanog šuma na performanse konvolucionih LDPC kodova

D. Lazarević, P. Ivaniš, D. Drajić, Uticaj korelisanog šuma na performanse konvolucionih LDPC kodova, 57. konferencija za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku (ETRAN 2013), Društvpo za Etran, Zlatibor, Srbija, Jun, 2015

Autori Dajana Lazarević, Predrag Ivaniš i Dušan Drajić
Godina 2015
Izdavač Društvpo za Etran
Strana od TE2.1.1-6

Savremene tehnike za projektovanje pouzdanih čipova napravljenih od nepouzdanih komponenata

P. Ivaniš, S. Brkić, G. Đorđević, B. Vasić, Savremene tehnike za projektovanje pouzdanih čipova napravljenih od nepouzdanih komponenata, Zbornik XXXII Simpozijuma o novim tehnologijama u poštanskom i telekomunikacionom saobraćaju POSTEL 2014, pp. 277 - 286, Beograd, Srbija, Dec, 2014

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Srđan Brkić, Goran Đorđević i Bane Vasić
Godina 2014
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7395-328-1
Strana od 277
Strana do 286

Analiza bit fliping dekodera LDPC kodova realizovanih pomoću nepouzdanih komponenti

O. Al Rasheed, P. Ivaniš, Analiza bit fliping dekodera LDPC kodova realizovanih pomoću nepouzdanih komponenti, XIII međunarodni naučno-stručni simpozijum Infoteh Jahorina (INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2014), pp. 403 - 408, Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, Mar, 2014

Autori Omran Al Rasheed i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2014
Izdavač Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu
Strana od 403
Strana do 408

Kapacitet višeantenskog sekundarnog linka kognitivnog sistema sa kontrolisanim nivoom interferencije

V. Blagojević, P. Ivaniš, Kapacitet višeantenskog sekundarnog linka kognitivnog sistema sa kontrolisanim nivoom interferencije, YUINFO 2014, pp. 292 - 296, YUINFO, Kopaonik, Srbija, Mar, 2014

Autori Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2014
Izdavač YUINFO
Strana od 292
Strana do 296

Reliable Memories From Unreliable Components: Theory and Connections With Codes On Graphs

B. Vasić, P. Ivaniš, Reliable Memories From Unreliable Components: Theory and Connections With Codes On Graphs, The second National Conference on Information Theory and Complex Systems TINKOS 2014, Matematički institut SANU, Niš, Srbija, Jun, 2014

Autori Bane Vasić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2014
Izdavač Matematički institut SANU

Fault-tolerant decoders

P. Ivaniš, B. Vasić, Fault-tolerant decoders, The second National Conference on Information Theory and Complex Systems TINKOS 2014, Matematički institut SANU, Niš, Srbija, Jun, 2014

Autori Predrag Ivaniš i Bane Vasić
Godina 2014
Izdavač Matematički institut SANU

Outage Probability of SIR for Spectrum Sharing Systems in Nakagami Fading

J. Jarrouj, V. Blagojević, P. Ivaniš, Outage Probability of SIR for Spectrum Sharing Systems in Nakagami Fading, 57. konferencija ETRAN 2013, pp. TE2.3. 1 - 5, Zlatibor, Srbija, 2013

Autori Jiana Jarrouj, Vesna Blagojević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2013
Strana od TE2.3. 1
Strana do 5

Performanse kooperativnog spectrum sensinga u kanalu sa generalizovanim K fedingom

S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, Performanse kooperativnog spectrum sensinga u kanalu sa generalizovanim K fedingom, Zbornik 57. konferencije ETRAN 2013, pp. 1 - 6, Zlatibor, Srbija, Jun, 2013

Autori Srđan Brkić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2013
Strana od 1
Strana do 6

Tehnike za efikasno korišćenje spektra: prikaz nekih rezultata istraživanja

P. Ivaniš, M. Erić, S. Brkić, M. Janjić, Tehnike za efikasno korišćenje spektra: prikaz nekih rezultata istraživanja, Zbornik XXXII Simpozijuma o novim tehnologijama u poštanskom i telekomunikacionom saobraćaju POSTEL 2013, pp. 233 - 242, Beograd, Srbija, Dec, 2013

Autori Predrag Ivaniš, Miljko Erić, Srđan Brkić i Miloš Janjić
Godina 2013
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7395-314-4
Strana od 233
Strana do 242

FPGA implementacija sum-product algoritma za dekodovanje LDPC kodova

S. Brkić, D. Lazarević, P. Ivaniš, FPGA implementacija sum-product algoritma za dekodovanje LDPC kodova, INFOTEH JAHORINA 2013, pp. 428 - 433, Jahorina, Bosna i Hercegovina, Mar, 2013

Autori Srđan Brkić, Dajana Lazarević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2013
ISSN/ISBN 978-99955-763-1-8
Strana od 428
Strana do 433

Karakteristike zaštitnog kodovanja (FEC) u OTN/DWDM platformi OTP10G IRITEL

P. Mićović, B. Pajčin, V. Kostić, M. Ilić, P. Ivaniš, Karakteristike zaštitnog kodovanja (FEC) u OTN/DWDM platformi OTP10G IRITEL, XII međunarodni naučno-stručni simpozijum Infoteh Jahorina (INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2013), pp. 332 - 336, Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, Mar, 2013

Autori Predrag Mićović, Bojan Pajčin, Vladimir Kostić, Miroslav Ilić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2013
Izdavač Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu
Strana od 332
Strana do 336

Analiza postupaka za konstruisanje konvolucionih LDPC kodova

D. Lazarević, N. Maletić, P. Ivaniš, Analiza postupaka za konstruisanje konvolucionih LDPC kodova, XII međunarodni naučno-stručni simpozijum Infoteh Jahorina (INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2013), Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, Mar, 2013

Autori Dajana Lazarević, Nebojša Maletić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2013
Izdavač Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu
Strana od KST-2-3

Primena distribuiranih prostorno-vremenskih kodova u kognitivnim radio mrežama sa prostorno korelisanim Nakagami fedingom

M. Stojnić, P. Ivaniš, Primena distribuiranih prostorno-vremenskih kodova u kognitivnim radio mrežama sa prostorno korelisanim Nakagami fedingom, 56. konferencija ETRAN 2012, Društvo za ETRAN, Zlatibor, Jun, 2012

Autori Milena Stojnić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2012
Izdavač Društvo za ETRAN
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-86-80509-67-9
Strana od TE 3.1-1-4

Primena distribuiranih prostorno-vremenskih kodova u kooperativnim kognitivnim radio mrežama sa Rejlijevim fedingom

M. Stojnić, P. Ivaniš, Primena distribuiranih prostorno-vremenskih kodova u kooperativnim kognitivnim radio mrežama sa Rejlijevim fedingom, Infoteh Jahorina 2012, pp. 239 - 244, Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Jahorina, Bosna i Hercegovina, Mar, 2012

Autori Milena Stojnić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2012
Izdavač Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-99938-624-8-2
Strana od 239
Strana do 244

Performanse bežičnih optičkih sistema zasnovanih na orbitalnom ugaonom momentu u prisustvu atmosferskih turbulencija

A. Lazarević, P. Ivaniš, Performanse bežičnih optičkih sistema zasnovanih na orbitalnom ugaonom momentu u prisustvu atmosferskih turbulencija, Infoteh Jahorina 2012, pp. 258 - 262, Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Jahorina, Bosna i Hercegovina, Mar, 2012

Autori Aleksandar Lazarević i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2012
Izdavač Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-99938-624-8-2
Strana od 258
Strana do 262

Performanse detektora energije u kanalu sa Rajsovim fedingom

S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, Performanse detektora energije u kanalu sa Rajsovim fedingom, 56. konferencija ETRAN 2012, Društvo za ETRAN, Zlatibor, Jun, 2012

Autori Srđan Brkić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2012
Izdavač Društvo za ETRAN
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-86-80509-67-9
Strana od TE 3.5-1-4

Softverska realizacija sistema za digitalno potpisivanje sa heš funkcijama i RSA algoritmom

B. Pajčin, P. Ivaniš, Softverska realizacija sistema za digitalno potpisivanje sa heš funkcijama i RSA algoritmom, INFOTEH JAHORINA 2011, pp. 596 - 600, Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Jahorina, BIH, Mar, 2011

Autori Bojan Pajčin i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2011
Izdavač Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-99938-624-6-8
Strana od 596
Strana do 600

Napadi na RSA kriptosistem zasnovani na celobrojnoj faktorizaciji

J. Smiljanić, P. Ivaniš, Napadi na RSA kriptosistem zasnovani na celobrojnoj faktorizaciji, XVIII Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2011, pp. 550 - 553, Društvo za telekomunikacije, Beograd, Srbija, Nov, 2011

Autori Jelena Smiljanić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2011
Izdavač Društvo za telekomunikacije
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-86-7466-392-9
Strana od 550
Strana do 553

Analiza softverski realizovanog DSA algoritma za digitalno potpisivanje

B. Pajčin, P. Ivaniš, Analiza softverski realizovanog DSA algoritma za digitalno potpisivanje, ETRAN 2011, Društvo za ETRAN, Banja Vrućica, Jun, 2011

Autori Bojan Pajčin i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2011
Izdavač Društvo za ETRAN
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-86-80509-66-2

Performance of turbo product RS and concatenated codes in gamma shadowed Nakagami-m fading channels

G. Đorđević, I. Đorđević, P. Ivaniš, M. Marković, Performance of turbo product RS and concatenated codes in gamma shadowed Nakagami-m fading channels, ETRAN 2011, Društvo za ETRAN, Banja Vrućica, Jun, 2011

Autori Goran Đorđević, Ivan Đorđević, Predrag Ivaniš i Milan Marković
Godina 2011
Izdavač Društvo za ETRAN
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-86-80509-66-2

Softverska implementacija algoritama za kompresiju podataka i njihova uporedna analiza

B. Andrejić, P. Ivaniš, Softverska implementacija algoritama za kompresiju podataka i njihova uporedna analiza, XVIII Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2011, pp. 554 - 557, Društvo za telekomunikacije, Beograd, Srbija, Nov, 2011

Autori Bojan Andrejić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2011
Izdavač Društvo za telekomunikacije
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-86-7466-392-9
Strana od 554
Strana do 557

Softverska implementacija dekodovanja kaskadnih kodova Viterbijevim algoritmom

Ž. Vitomir, P. Ivaniš, Softverska implementacija dekodovanja kaskadnih kodova Viterbijevim algoritmom, XVIII Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2010, pp. 537 - 540, Društvo za telekomunikacije, Beograd, Srbija, Nov, 2010

Autori Žarko Vitomir i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2010
Izdavač Društvo za telekomunikacije
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-86-7466-392-9
Strana od 537
Strana do 540

Procena performansi dekodovanja BCH kodova pomoću trelisa i BCJR algoritma

T. Živković Jovanović, P. Ivaniš, Procena performansi dekodovanja BCH kodova pomoću trelisa i BCJR algoritma, INFOTEH JAHORINA 2010, pp. 149 - 152, Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Jahorina, BIH, Mar, 2010

Autori Tanja Živković Jovanović i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2010
Izdavač Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu
ISSN/ISBN ISBN-99938-624-2-8
Strana od 149
Strana do 152

Procena performansi hibridne ARQ tehnike sa UMTS turbo kodom

S. Brkić, P. Ivaniš, Procena performansi hibridne ARQ tehnike sa UMTS turbo kodom, XVIII Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2010, pp. 521 - 524, Društvo za telekomunikacije, Beograd, Srbija, Nov, 2010

Autori Srđan Brkić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2010
Izdavač Društvo za telekomunikacije
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-86-7466-392-9
Strana od 521
Strana do 524

Poboljšanje performansi optičkih transportnih mreža primenom Rid-Solomonovih kodova

N. Lukić, P. Ivaniš, D. Drajić, Poboljšanje performansi optičkih transportnih mreža primenom Rid-Solomonovih kodova, INFOTEH JAHORINA 2010, pp. 153 - 157, Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Jahorina, BIH, Mar, 2010

Autori Nikola Lukić, Predrag Ivaniš i Dušan Drajić
Godina 2010
Izdavač Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu
ISSN/ISBN ISBN-99938-624-2-8
Strana od 153
Strana do 157

Simulacioni model optičkog transportnog sistema i njegova primena na dizajn efikasnih zaštitnih kodova

P. Ivaniš, D. Drajić, Simulacioni model optičkog transportnog sistema i njegova primena na dizajn efikasnih zaštitnih kodova, INFOTEH JAHORINA 2009, pp. 108 - 112, Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Jahorina, BIH, Mar, 2009

Autori Predrag Ivaniš i Dušan Drajić
Godina 2009
Izdavač Elektrotehnički fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 99938-624-2-8
Strana od 108
Strana do 112

Upotreba kaskadnih kodova za korekciju grešaka u kanalu sa dejstvom jakog impulsnog šuma

P. Ivaniš, V. Blagojević, Upotreba kaskadnih kodova za korekciju grešaka u kanalu sa dejstvom jakog impulsnog šuma, XI Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2003, Beograd, Srbija, Nov, 2003

Autori Predrag Ivaniš i Vesna Blagojević
Godina 2003

Primena snažnih kodova za korekciju grešaka na prostorno vremenske blok kodove

P. Ivaniš, V. Blagojević, Primena snažnih kodova za korekciju grešaka na prostorno vremenske blok kodove, X Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2002, pp. 343 - 346, Beograd, Srbija, Nov, 2002

Autori Predrag Ivaniš i Vesna Blagojević
Godina 2002
Strana od 343
Strana do 346

Izračunavanje verovatnoće greške kod M-PSK i M-QAM modulacija korišćenjem konstelacionog dijagrama

P. Ivaniš, Izračunavanje verovatnoće greške kod M-PSK i M-QAM modulacija korišćenjem konstelacionog dijagrama, 7. telekomunikacioni forum (TELFOR 99), Društvo za telekomunikacije, Beograd, Srbija, Nov, 1999

Autori Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 1999
Izdavač Društvo za telekomunikacije

Ostali radovi

US11271673B2 - Bandwidth constrained communication systems with optimized low-density parity-check codes

Andreja Radosevic, Predrag Ivanis, Srdjan Brkic, Djordje Sarac, Nikola Alic, US11271673B2 - Bandwidth constrained communication systems with optimized low-density parity-check codes, Jul, 2022

Autori Andreja Radošević, Predrag Ivaniš, Srđan Brkić, Đorđe Sarač i Nikola Alić
Godina 2022

Analiza bit fliping dekodera LDPC kodova realizovanih pomoću nepouzdanih komponenti

O. Al Rasheed, P. Ivaniš, Analiza bit fliping dekodera LDPC kodova realizovanih pomoću nepouzdanih komponenti, XIII međunarodni naučno-stručni simpozijum INFOTEH JAHORINA 2014, pp. 403 - 408, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, Mar, 2014

Autori Omran Al Rasheed i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2014
Izdavač Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu
Strana od 403
Strana do 408

Knjige i monografije

Uvod u digitalne telekomunikacije

P. Ivaniš, V. Blagojević, Uvod u digitalne telekomunikacije, Akademska misao, 2020

Autori Predrag Ivaniš i Vesna Blagojević
Godina 2020
Izdavač Akademska misao
ISBN 978-86-7466-853-5
Broj strana 337
Tip knjige udžbenik
Broj strana 337

Teorija informacija i kodovi u telekomunikacijama: Praktikum za laboratorijske vežbe

D. Drajić, D. Drajić, P. Ivaniš, S. Brkić, Teorija informacija i kodovi u telekomunikacijama: Praktikum za laboratorijske vežbe, Akademska misao, Univerzitet u Beogradu – Elektrotehnički fakultet, 2019

Autori Dušan Drajić, Dejan Drajić, Predrag Ivaniš i Srđan Brkić
Godina 2019
Izdavač Akademska misao, Univerzitet u Beogradu – Elektrotehnički fakultet
ISBN 978-86-7466-769-9
Tip knjige pomoćni udžbenik

Uvod u teoriju informacija i kodovanje, IV izdanje

D. Drajić, P. Ivaniš, Uvod u teoriju informacija i kodovanje, IV izdanje, Akademska misao, Beograd, 2018

Autori Dušan Drajić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2018
Izdavač Akademska misao, Beograd
ISBN 978-86-7466-720-0
Broj strana 712
Tip knjige udžbenik
Broj strana 712

Information Theory and Coding - Solved Problems

P. Ivanis, D. Drajic, Information Theory and Coding - Solved Problems, Springer, 2017

Autori Predrag Ivaniš i Dušan Drajić
Godina 2017
Izdavač Springer
ISBN 978-3-319-49369-5
Broj strana 517
Tip knjige udžbenik
Broj strana 517

Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz teorije informacija i kodovanja

P. Ivaniš, Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz teorije informacija i kodovanja, Akademska misao, Beograd, 2013

Autori Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2013
Izdavač Akademska misao, Beograd
ISBN 978-86-7466-463-6
Broj strana 308
Tip knjige pomoćni udžbenik
Broj strana 308

Uvod u teoriju informacija i kodovanje, III izdanje

D. Drajić, P. Ivaniš, Uvod u teoriju informacija i kodovanje, III izdanje, Akademska misao, Beograd, 2009

Autori Dušan Drajić i Predrag Ivaniš
Godina 2009
Izdavač Akademska misao, Beograd
ISBN 978-86-7466-344-8
Broj strana 513
Tip knjige udžbenik
Broj strana 513



Dizajn, procena performansi i analiza kompleksnosti zastitnih kodova za kanale sa paketnim brisanjem

Dizajn, procena performansi i analiza kompleksnosti zastitnih kodova za kanale sa paketnim brisanjem

Tip projekta Ostali međunarodni komercijalni projekti
Rukovodilac prof. dr Predrag Ivaniš
Finansijer SANS R&D, LLC
Početak realizacije 31.07.2018.

Integrisana hibridna satelitska i terestrijalna pristupna mreza- projekat hi-STAR

Integrisana hibridna satelitska i terestrijalna pristupna mreza -projekat hi-STAR

Tip projekta Fond za nauku - IDEJA
Rukovodilac prof. dr Predrag Ivaniš
Početak realizacije 29.12.2021.

Interativni algoritmi dekodovanja bazirani na mašinskom učenju

Interativni algoritmi dekodovanja bazirani na mašinskom učenju - LIDA- evidenc. broj 6462951

Tip projekta Fond za nauku - Saradnja sa dijasporom
Rukovodilac prof. dr Predrag Ivaniš
Početak realizacije 24.02.2021.

Napredne tehnike efikasnog korišćenja spektra u bežičnim sistemima-NASTAVAK

Napredne tehnike efikasnog korišćenja spektra u bežičnim sistemima-NASTAVAK

Tip projekta Nauka- Projekti NIO
Rukovodilac prof. dr Predrag Ivaniš
Početak realizacije 24.02.2020.

Multiservisna optička transportna platforma OTN10/40/100Gbps sa DWDM/ROADM i CARRIER ETHERNET funkcionalnostima-NASTAVAK

Multiservisna optička transportna platforma OTN10/40/100Gbps sa DWDM/ROADM i CARRIER ETHERNET funkcionalnostima-NASTAVAK

Tip projekta Nauka- Projekti NIO
Rukovodilac prof. dr Predrag Ivaniš
Početak realizacije 24.02.2020.

Inoviranje grupe predmeta sa ciljem unapredjenja znanja o tehnologijama za globalni prispup internetu (GLOBINT)

Inoviranje grupe predmeta sa ciljem unapredjenja znanja o tehnologijama za globalni prispup internetu (GLOBINT)

Tip projekta Projekti-Razvoj visokog obrazovanja
Rukovodilac prof. dr Vesna Blagojević
Početak realizacije 14.10.2019.



Tip projekta Projekti-Razvoj visokog obrazovanja
Rukovodilac prof. dr Predrag Ivaniš
Početak realizacije 21.12.2017.

Mulitservisna optička transoirtna platforma OTN10/40/100Gbps sa DWDM/ROADM i CARRIER ETHERNET funkcionalnostima

Tip projekta Nauka – tehnološki razvoj
Rukovodilac prof. dr Predrag Ivaniš
Početak realizacije 23.03.2011.

Napredne tehnike efikasnog korišćenja spektra u bežičnim sistemima

Tip projekta Nauka – tehnološki razvoj
Rukovodilac prof. dr Predrag Ivaniš
Početak realizacije 09.03.2011.

Nova OTN/ROADM opticka platforma za 5 G mreze

Nova OTN/ROADM opticka platforma za 5 G mreze, projekat ID 50386

Tip projekta Inovacioni fond - Saradnja nauke i privrede
Rukovodilac prof. dr Petar Matavulj
Početak realizacije 14.06.2022.



Tip projekta Veštačenja
Rukovodilac prof. dr Predrag Ivaniš
Početak realizacije 15.11.2012.

Radovi za firmu " Telenor" doo

Tip projekta Ostali domaći komercijalni projekti
Rukovodilac dr Đorđe Paunović
Finansijer Yettel d.o.o.
Početak realizacije 02.04.2008.

Merenje nivoa elektromag. emisije u lokalnoj zoni BZ ( 50 lok., 40 lok. m)

Tip projekta Komercijalni projekti sa javnim preduzećima
Rukovodilac dr Đorđe Paunović
Finansijer "TELEKOM SRBIJA" A.D.
Početak realizacije 28.05.2007.

Izrada projekata VIP Mobile mreže

Tip projekta Ostali domaći komercijalni projekti
Rukovodilac dr Đorđe Paunović
Početak realizacije 07.03.2007.


Tip projekta Ostali domaći komercijalni projekti
Rukovodilac dr Đorđe Paunović
Početak realizacije 26.02.2007.

Pruzanje konsultanskih-strucnih usluga po zahtevu

Tip projekta Komercijalni projekti sa javnim preduzećima
Rukovodilac prof. dr Miroslav Dukić
Finansijer "TELEKOM SRBIJA" A.D.
Početak realizacije 18.12.2003.