
Self-evaluation and quality assessment of the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade

The School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade regularly conducts the procedure of self-evaluation and assessment of the quality of its study programs, teaching and working conditions, as well as the analysis of students' grades and passing.

In the school year 2018/2019. In accordance with legal obligations, the School of Electrical Engineering started drafting the
Report on the procedure and results of self-evaluation .

The self-evaluation report is structured in accordance with the standards for self-evaluation and quality assessment of higher education institutions (standards 1-15):

  • Standard 1: Quality Assurance Strategy
    Annex 1.1 Quality assurance strategy
    Annex 1.2 Measures and subjects of quality assurance
    Annex 1.3 Action plan for the implementation of the strategy
    Annex 1.3a Decision on the adoption of the action plan
    Annex 1.4 Historical document on the student survey from 1970
  • Standard 2: Standards and procedures for quality assurance
    Annex 2.1 Adopted document - Standards and procedures for ensuring and improving the quality of higher education institutions
    Annex 2.2 Adopted work plan and procedures for monitoring and improving the quality of higher education institutions within quality standards
    Annex 2.3 Annual reports on the work of the established body for internal quality assurance of the higher education institution were adopted
  • Standard 3: Quality Assurance System
    Annex 3.1 Formally established body with specific responsibility for internal quality assurance in the higher education institution and job description
    Annex 3.2 Conducted surveys
    Annex 3.3 Document on the analysis of survey results and on the adoption of corrective and preventive measures
  • Standard 4: Quality of the study program
    Annex 4.1 Analysis of the results of surveys on the opinion of graduate students on the quality of the study program and the achieved learning outcomes.
    Annex 4.2 Analysis of the results of surveys on employers' satisfaction with the acquired qualifications of graduates.
    Table 4.1 List of all study programs accredited at the higher education institution since 2011 with the total number of enrolled students in all years of study in the current and previous 2 school years
    Table 4.2  Number and percentage of graduates (in relation to the number of enrolled) in the previous 3 school years within accredited study programs
    Table 4.3 Average duration of studies in the previous 3 school years.
  • Standard 5: Quality of the teaching process
    Annex 5.1 Surveys of student survey results on the quality of the teaching process
    Annex 5.2 Procedures and procedures that ensure compliance with the curriculum and schedule
    Annex 5.3 Evidence of implemented activities that encourage the acquisition of active competencies of teachers and associates
  • Standard 6: Quality of scientific research, artistic and professional work
    Annex 6.1 List of awards and recognitions of teachers, associates and students of the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade for the results achieved in scientific research
    Annex 6.2 Ratio of teachers and associates involved in projects in relation to the total number of teachers and associates at the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade
    Annex 6.3 Ratio of the number of SCI-indexed papers in relation to the total number of teachers and associates at the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade
    Annex 6.4 Decision on accreditation of NIO for the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade
    Annex 6.6 Program for the development of scientific research work at the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade
    Annex 6.7

    Proposal of the Rulebook on the conditions of financing the teachers and associates of the School of Electrical Engineering at scientific-professional conferences [not publicly available, until the adoption of the proposal]

    Annex 6.8

    Example of documentation for the election of one teacher 
    [Reports of the commission on the election to the title of teacher and associate are available at the following link - izboru-u-zvanje-nastavnika-i-saradnika ;] [Competitions are publicly announced on the following link - ]

    Annex 6.9 Brochure of the School of Electrical Engineering in English (example of a brochure for the school year 2017/2018)
    Table 6.1 Name and number of current scientific research projects led by teachers permanently employed at the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade.
    Table 6.2

    List of teachers and associates employed at the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, participants in current international and domestic projects 
    [data available within each individual website of teachers / associates of the School]

    Table 6.3 Summary overview of scientific research and artistic results at the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade in the previous calendar year according to the criteria of the Ministry and the classification of artistic research results.
    Table 6.4 List of SCI / SSCI-indexed papers by year for the previous three-year period at the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade.
    Table 6.5 List of defended doctoral dissertations and art projects at the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade in the previous three school years with the results published or accepted for publication
    Table 6.6 The name and number of current professional projects that are currently being implemented at the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, whose leaders are teachers who are permanently employed in the higher education institution.
    Table 6.7 List of mentors at the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade according to the currently valid standards which refer to the fulfillment of conditions for mentors within the educational-scientific field.
  • Standard 7: Quality of teachers and associates
    Annex 7.1 Rulebook on the selection of teachers and associates
    Annex 7.2 Relationship between the total number of students (number of students approved by accreditation multiplied by the number of years of study program) and the number of employed teachers at the level of the institution
    Table 7.1 Overview of the number of teachers by titles and the status of teachers in higher education institutions (full-time and part-time employment, contract engagement)
    Table 7.2 Review of the number of associates and the status of associates in a higher education institution (full-time and part-time employment, contractual engagement)
  • Standard 8: Student quality
    Annex 8.1 Rulebook on student admission procedure
    Annex 8.2 Rules on evaluation
    Annex 8.3 Procedures and corrective measures in case of non-compliance and deviations from the adopted assessment procedures
    Table 8.1 Overview of the number of students by levels, study programs and years of study in the current school year
    Table 8.2 Student success rate
    Table 8. 3 Number of students who enrolled in the current school year in relation to the achieved ECTS
  • Standard 9: Quality of textbooks, literature, library and information resources
    Annex 9.1 General act on textbooks
    Annex 9.2 Title of the textbook and monograph whose authors are teachers employed at the higher education institution
    Annex 9.3 The ratio of the number of textbooks and monographs authored by teachers employed at the institution with the number of teachers
    Table 9.1 Number and type of library units in a higher education institution
    Table 9.2 List of information resources
  • Standard 10: Quality of higher education institution management and quality of non-teaching support
    Annex 10.1 Schematic organizational structure of the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade
    Annex 10.2 Analysis of the results of the student survey on the assessment of the quality of work of management bodies and the work of professional services
    Annex 10.3 Statute of the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade
    Annex 10.4 Rulebook on organization and systematization of work
    Annex 10.5

    International ISO and OHSAS standards implemented at the School of Electrical Engineering (certificates of obtained standards are available in the School Archives)

    Annex 10.6 Certificates of non-teaching staff training  
    Table 10.1 Number of non-teaching workers permanently employed at the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade within the appropriate organizational units
  • Standard 11: Quality of space and equipment
    Table 11.1 Total area (owned by the higher education institution and rented space) with the area of ​​buildings (amphitheaters, classrooms, laboratories, teaching bases, organizational units, services)
    Table 11.2

    The list of equipment owned by the higher education institution that is used in the teaching process and scientific research work - The annual list of equipment is made every December, and is available in the Archives of the School.

  • Standard 12: Financing
  • Standard 13: The role of students in self-evaluation and quality control
    Annex 13.1 Documentation confirming the participation of students in self-evaluation and quality control
  • Standard 14: Systematic monitoring and periodic quality control
    Annex 14.1

    Information presented on the website of the School of Electrical Engineering on activities that provide systematic monitoring and periodic quality control in order to maintain and improve the quality of work of higher education institutions ( School website  -> Notices -> Self-evaluation 2017/2018)

  • Standard 15: Quality of doctoral studies
    Annex 15.1 Regulations of doctoral studies
    Annex 15.2 Excerpt from the Statute that regulates doctoral studies
    Annex 15.3 Rulebook on the work of the doctoral school
    Annex 15.4 Rulebook on the selection of mentors
    Annex 15.5 The process of writing and defending a doctoral dissertation and a doctoral art project
    Table 15.1 List of all accredited doctoral study programs
    Table 15.2 List of organizational units that deal with equalizing the quality of all doctoral studies at a higher education institution (Council of doctoral studies, doctoral school ...)
    Table 15.3 List of members of organizational units for the quality of doctoral studies of higher education institutions and study programs

Surveys conducted at the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade every year are:

Survey 1 Survey of newly enrolled students
Survey 2 Survey on the evaluation of the work of the School services by the students
Survey 3 Case quality survey
Survey 4 Survey on the quality of teaching
Survey 5 Survey for employers in order to assess the quality of graduate engineers of the School of Electrical Engineering
Survey 6 Survey for employees who studied at the School of Electrical Engineering
Survey 7 Quality assessment by employees
Survey 8 Objectivity assessment survey
Survey 9 Student assessment of completed study programs
Survey 10 Survey on the assessment of the number of ECTS by cases