
Personnel Management Department

The personnel management department works in the area of personnel service, that is:

  1. Issuing of all types of Written Orders (on employment, personal income, leave, retirement, etc.)
  2. Issuing of Decisions Orders (on additional work, the state of rest of a status, termination of employment, etc.)
  3. Affairs related to the implementation of the Contract for a supply of service
  4. Archiving activities
  5. Courier activities
  6. Photocopying activities
  7. Mimeographed and scripting activities




(011) 3226-992

Head of the personnel management department

Milena Dimić

Personnel Officer

Boris Velinović

General Affairs Officer

Branka Vilotić

Administration officer for human resources and general affairs

Jelena Vlajković

E-Business and Human Resources Manager

Dragi Dujković, MA


Svetlana Preković

Archives Officer

Slavica Stojkovic

Technical associate in the copy shop

Steva Trajković

  • (011) 3218-427

Zoran Ćendić

Public Procurement Associate

Aleksandra Kulundžić